Non-metallic Components


Innovative machine technology doubles throughput and boosts cost-efficiency

At SFS intec AG's plant in Flawil/Switzerland, 出于扩大产能的需要以及环境方面的考虑,需要更换使用过氯乙烯的现有清洁系统. The company opted for an EcoCcore unit tailored to its specific requirements. The new cleaning system supplied by Ecoclean relies on modified alcohol. Thanks to innovative cleaning technology, 它在降低单位成本的同时使吞吐量翻倍,同时进一步提高清洁质量.

SFS的历史始于1928年的Stadler五金店在Altstätten镇. Today, 瑞士SFS集团股份公司是机械紧固件系统和精密成形部件的全球领导者. These items find their uses, e.g., in the automotive, construction, mechanical fastening, electrical, electronics, aeronautical and medical equipment industries.

Cleanliness for safety-relevant automotive parts

Serving the automotive industry and its tiered suppliers, SFS intec AG生产冷成型和深拉件,以及塑料注塑模具和组件, e.g., for airbags, restraint systems, brakes, and active and passive safety devices. 这些安全相关部件的生产是在该公司的欧洲总部进行的, as well as in Asia and North America. The plant at Flawil in the Swiss canton of St. Gallen makes deep-drawn and extruded items of various metals, e.g., steel, nickel-plated steel strip, copper, brass, and aluminium. Each of these parts is cleaned after leaving the press. "In the cleaning process, 有必要满足特定客户对颗粒清洁度的要求. And needless to say, the parts must also be free of grease", explains Markus Stäheli, head of Surface Technology at SFS intec in Flawil. Since the application involves the removal not just of particles, abrasion residue, emulsions and pressing or drawing fluids but also of chlorinated cutting oils, 该公司曾经运行一种依赖于使用过氯乙烯(PCE)的溶剂型清洁系统。.

Focusing on throughput and eco-friendliness

由于现有系统已达到其容量极限,因此需要投资建立一个新的系统. 当然,新工厂要为未来提供一定的产能储备. In addition, 弗拉威尔的SFS公司希望废除全氯乙烯,以改善其环境性能. With this set of specifications in mind, 该公司联系了三家设备制造商,其中Ecoclean GmbH最终赢得了合同. SFS集团已经在全球范围内使用了大约25台清洗机,其中包括6台EcoCcore系统. 这种创新的溶剂型系统,其透明玻璃设计支持碳氢化合物和改性醇的使用. 在全真空下运行,它配备了一个广泛的标准设备清单,其中包括,e.g., two flooding tanks, heat recovery, full-flow and bypass filtration, 和各种附加功能,以提高其清洁性能和质量,同时降低单位成本.

Changeover from PCE to modified alcohol

“Ecoclean向我们详细介绍了这个新系统的功能和改性酒精的使用. 因此,我们能够实现改善场地环境绩效的目标。”, says Markus Stäheli. 然而,从产品中去除氯化油被证明是一个挑战. This was resolved jointly with Solvadis, the chemical supplier, 谁进行了广泛的油相容性测试和溶剂分析,产生了适当稳定的改性酒精. 在SFS中心,使用化学品供应商的测试试剂盒定期测试溶剂质量. If necessary, 溶剂可以在匹配的稳定剂的帮助下再次完美调整,以最大限度地延长其使用寿命. The results were validated through cleaning trials conducted with an EcoCcore at one of the equipment manufacturer's test centers. “在我们从PCE转向部分极性溶剂的过程中,Ecoclean真的给了我们很好的支持。”, Markus Stäheli notes.

Superior throughput in volume production

As for the second objective, i.e., boosting capacity to accommodate future growth, the EcoCcore is perfectly equipped for this purpose by design. 有一个工作室设计的零件容器测量高达670 x 480 x 400毫米作为标准, 它可以处理比其前身多三分之一的批处理量. Accordingly, SFS接口现在可以组合四个(而不是两个)其常用的480 x 320 x 200毫米清洗篮形成一个批次, thereby doubling throughput. The maximum batch weight amounts to around 200 kg. As for the 670 x 480 x 300 mm part containers also used by the company, a special adapter allows these to be used in the new machine as well.

Tailor-made machine concept

„Apart from increased machine capacity, 稍微缩短的清洗周期有助于进一步提高系统的吞吐量。, Markus Stäheli adds. This is owing to an EcoCcore engineering concept aimed at delivering high cleaning performance and quality. It includes features such as, e.g., an innovative preliminary steam degreasing step. With this technology, the oil-carrying distillate is not passed into the flood tank, contrary to common practice, but is directed straight into a distillation unit of nearly double capacity. 这种设计最大限度地减少了储油罐中的油沉积,同时抵消了溶剂的油富集.

为了满足SFS intec的高清洁度标准,机器概念进行了适当的定制. Thus, 除了标准的注入驱洗功能外,该装置还配备了超声波系统. As an innovative feature, the ultrasound can be used simultaneously with the filtration function, with the volumetric flow rate being frequency controlled. 颗粒因此被同时排出,因为它们被移走,不能在工作室内沉淀. 过滤是由一个带有集成磁分离的袋式过滤器和一个下游滤筒过滤器进行的.1, while flooding tank No. 2 is served by two cartridge filters.

SFS订购的另一个选项是一个附加模块,包括用于保存步骤的第三个水箱. All stainless steel tanks are designed without internal heater fittings, which does away with chip and dirt traps.

Given the floorspace situation at SFS intec, the maintenance hatches are configured as roll-up doors of matching design.

Fully-automatic process

机器通过双轨滚筒输送机装载货物. 操作人员移除作业的路由文件,并使用读取设备扫描其条形码. 工厂控制系统自动选择特定部件的清洗程序,并在工作舱门关闭后启动. 由于零件的多样性,SFS接口使用大约50种清洁程序. The various process parameters, 如注、驱、洗、汽脱脂循环的次数和间隔, the ultrasound power and duration, 因此,干燥操作可以准确地适应被清洗的部件. “清洁时间在6到9分钟之间,我们实现了卓越的清洁质量 EcoCcore. Moreover, the cleaning process has definitely become more cost-efficient", Markus Stäheli delightedly reports.

Author: Doris Schulz

Mr. Reiner Schwerdtle

Phone: +49 (0) 711 7006-0
Email: reiner.schwerdtle(at)

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